Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Idioms

    Rabu, 10 Mei 2023



    1. abaft the port beam
      between the port quarter
    2. abbreviation
      a shortened form of a word or phrase
    3. able bodied seaman
      experienced seafarer on the deck dept.
    4. afternoon watch
      1200 hrs – 1600 hrs
    5. aid
    6. alteration course
      change direction
    7. appear
      emerge, float to the surface, arise, show up
    8. apprentice officer
      trainee officer (cadet)
    9. appropriate
      exact, precise, suitable
    10. auxiliary engine, secondary motor
      donkey engine, the engine to support the main engine
    11. avoid
      keep away from
    12. bearing
      the direction of an object from the
    13. observer
    14. before the starboard beam
      between the starboard bow and starboard beam
    15. boatswain
      the head of the ratings, bosun
    16. celestial bodies
      heavenly objects
    17. characteristic
    18. chart (map, diagram)
      a nautically specialized map showing currents, depths, island, coast, etc
    19. chart dividers
      a navigational tool used to measure distances, length of lines.
    20. Chronometer (timer, clock)
      an accurate clock that is used for navigation to determine time
    21. clearing a danger
      clear away from jeopardy
    22. cocked hat
      triangle from two bearing lines and check line
    23. conning officer
      officer in charge on the bridge who steers a vessel, OOW
    24. consideration
      thinking carefully, review
    25. conspicuous object
      is an object on land or at sea that is mentioned and described in the pilot book, clearly visible target
    26. contrary to
      different to, opposite
    27. controlling depth (adjusting draft)
      the least depth in the navigable parts of waterway, governing the maximum draft of vessel that can enter
    28. course
      route, track, direction, the direction in which a vessel is steered
    29. course over ground
      actual direction of progress of a vessel
    30. cross bearings
      intersect line
    31. current (stream)
      movement of water, due to tides
    32. data (information)
      facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis
    33. dead reckoning (estimation ship’s position)
      determining a position by plotting courses and speeds from a known position (ship’s position prediction)
    34. decrease
      reduce, make or become smaller or fewer size
    35. deduce
    36. deep draft vessel
      constrained by the draft
    37. degrees (grades)
      a distance of measurement on a nautical chart, angle mark by degrees
    38. delete
    39. departure (release)
      action of leaving
      start a journey
    40. describe
      to mention, to explain
    41. destination
      port of call
    42. detect
    43. determine
      firmly decide
    44. dimension
    45. direction
      a course along which something moves
    46. disaster
      natural catastrophe
    47. Distress =>A person or a ship is in grave & imminent
      danger & requires immediate assistance
    48. dog watch
      evening watch divided into two periods between 16:00 and 20:00
    49. dragging anchor
      an anchor moving over the sea be drawn out
    50. draft
      The vertical distance between ship’s keel and the surface of the water line
    51. dredging
      deepening of the canal or area of the water
    52. dredging anchor
      vessel moving with anchor moving along the sea bottom
    53. due to
      because of
    54. ensure
      make certain that something will occur
    55. execute
      course of action
    56. experience
    57. express
    58. external
    59. first watch
      2000 hrs – 2400 hrs
    60. fore and aft line
      mooring ropes
    61. forenoon watch
      0800 hrs – 1200 hrs
    62. general purpose officer
      muti purpose officer
    63. heading
      the actual course of the vessel at any
      given time
    64. helm order
      direction the vessel must be steered
    65. helmsman
      quarter master
    66. imminent
      close to, near to
    67. imply
      signify or mean
    68. increase
      to become greater
    69. influence
      a power affecting a person, thing, or
      course of events
    70. insufficient
    71. integrated
      to join with something else
    72. interfere
      take over, hinder
    73. internal
      coming or acting from within
    74. intersection
    75. latitude
      distance measured in degrees, north or south from the equator which is 0
    76. latter
    77. local knowledge
      limited information
    78. longitude
      distance in degrees, east or west of the meridian at Greenwich, which is 0
    79. longitudinal
      along the length of the boat or ship
    80. maintenance
      keeping something in good condition.
      Care and repair of existing machinery
    81. man-at-the-wheel
      quarter master
    82. marine accident
      disaster at sea, marine casualty,
    83. master
    84. mate
      officer / an assistant to the captain
    85. mention
    86. merchant vessel
      commercial ship
    87. middle watch
      0000 hrs – 0400 hrs
    88. mishaps
    89. negligence
    90. obsolete
      old, outdate, unfashionable, outmoded
      behind the times
    91. obtain
      acquire, gain, receive
    92. ordinary seaman
      deckhand, inexperience seafarer
    93. overhaul
      repair, recondition
    94. pilotage (1)
    95. pilotage (2)
    96. pilotage (3)
    97. position fix
      determining location/position
    98. proceed
      continue, move, move forward
    99. propulsion =>thrust, driving force
    100. protruding obstacle
      prominent obstruction

