Manning Duties Watchkeeping system

    Rabu, 10 Mei 2023

    Description, duties and watches Officers and crew

    • A – Captain (master)
    • B – First mate
    • C – Second mate
    • D – Third mate
    • E – Chief engineer
    • F – Multi-Purpose Officer
    • G – Boatswain (bosun)
    • H – Radio operator
    • I – OS
    • J – ABS
    • K – OOW
    • L – Apprentice office


    • 1. – Officer on duty => K
    • 13 – Head of ER- department =>E
    • 2 – Cargo-handling supervision =>B
    • 14 – Stowage plan =>B
    • 3 – Middle watch=>C
    • 15 – First watch =>D
    • 4 – Trainee =>L
    • 16 – Helmsman (man-at-the-wheel) =>J
    • 5 – Safety =>C
    • 17 – General ship maintenance=>E
    • 6 – Afternoon watch =>C
    • 18 – Morning watch =>D
    • 7 – Overall responsibility =>A
    • 19 – integrated officer =>H
    • 8 – Maintenance and overhauling =>E
    • 20 – NAVWNG =>H
    • 9 – Four 2-hour periods =>H
    • 21 – General purpose officer =>F
    • 10 – Head of ratings =>G
    • 22 – Forenoon watch =>D
    • 11 – Navaids o/b =>C
    • 23 – Conning officer =>K
    • 12 – Dogwatches =>B
    • 24 – Inexperienced rating =>I

