Minggu, 11 Juni 2023


    1.       Where is the located of West Wind Drift

    a.       In the South Pacific near 5°S

    b.       In the North Atlantic between Greenland and Europe

    c.       Near 60°S

    d.       On each side of the Equatorial Current

    e.        Oh I don't know.


    2.       Which of the following ARPA data should you use in order to determine if a close quarter situation will develop with a target vessel?

    a.       relative track information

    b.       unrelative track information

    c.       predicted time of CPA

    d.       set & drift of the current

    e.       I do not know)

    3.       when radar waves are trapped in a layer of the atmosphere called a surface radio duct, which of the following in radar operation?

    a.       increase radar range

    b.       radar range would be unchanged

    c.       decrease of radar range

    d.       large loss of energy to the radio waves

    e.       I do not know

    4.       What is the reason of variation in a compass ?

    a.       magnetism within the vessel

    b.       lack of oil in the compass bearings

    c.       worn gears in the compass housing

    d.       magnetism from the earth's magnetic field

    e.       I do not know.

    5.       when you are using a radar in which your own ship is shown at the center of the screen and de at the top of the screen, the bearings can be defined by which of the following?

    a.       Relative

    b.       True

    c.       Compass

    d.       Magnetic

    e.       I do not know

    6.       What is a sea breeze wind?

    a.       Caused by cold air descending a coastal incline

    b.       That blows towards the sea at night

    c.       That blows towards an island during the day

    d.       Caused by the distant approach of a hurricane

    e.       I do not know.




    7.       our ship is said to overtake another ship when?


    a.       If you can only see the sternlight of the other vessel

    b.       If by day you are not certain whether you are more than two points abaft the beam of the other vessel

    c.       if by night, you are unable to see either of the other vessel's sidelights

    d.       If the radar pilot indicates that your ship is faster

    e.       I do not know

    8.       Correction of refraction is carried out with?

    a.       Multiple

    b.       Added

    c.       Divided

    d.       Subtracted

    e.       I do not know

    9.       Changes in watch hours often occur on board the ship Who is responsible for effecting such a change?

    a.       all the other watchkeepers

    b.       navigating officer

    c.       master

    d.       watch keeper involved

    e.       I Don't Know

    10.   Expenses incurred by the insured for the common safely or preservation of the subject matter insured is

    a.       Salvage

    b.       general average contribution

    c.       general average loss

    d.       particular average loss

    e.       I do not know

    11.   The first element  of a contract , the point where negotiation usually begins ?

    a.       A consideration is paid

    b.       There must be agreement

    c.       An offer is made

    d.       Must be in written form

    e.       Saya tidak tahu

    12.   What do you call for the goods or cargoes jettisoned or thown overboard?

    a.       Lagan

    b.       Jetsam

    c.       all of the above

    d.       flotsam

    e.       I do not know

    13.   Goods cast or lost overboard from a ship which are recoverable through being eventually washed ashore or remaining submerged in relatively shallow water is

    a.       Jettison

    b.       Jetsam

    c.       Flotsam

    d.       lagan

    e.       I do not know



    14.   The act of saving life and property at sea with the hope of reward.?

    a.       None of these

    b.       Rescue

    c.       Towage

    d.       Salvage

    e.       I do not know

    15.   Pleding a ship or the freight she earns to raise money necessary to complete the voyage repayment is contingent on safe arrival of the vessel?

    a.       Bottomry

    b.       Respondentia

    c.       Barratry

    d.       Subrogation

    e.       I do not know

    16.   S.G. in Lloyd's standard from of marine policy means:

    a.       Neither a nor b

    b.       both a and b

    c.       salute gratia

    d.       ship and goods

    e.       I do not know

    17.   Certificate cates issued under SOLAS convention of 1974 as amended are

    a.       construction certificates

    b.       statutory certificates

    c.       radio telephony certificates

    d.       safety certificates

    e.       I do not know

    18.   Monica paid by the charter for cargo which otherwise could have been loaded but was not

    a.       Deadfreight

    b.       Penalty

    c.       Barratry

    d.       Dispatch

    e.       I do not know

    19.   When a vessel runs aground with the possibility of refloating her but owner relinquishing all right to the insurers for payment of the full value of the vessel

    a.       particular loss

    b.       constructive total foss

    c.       total loss

    d.       none of these

    e.       I do not know

    20.   The transfer of goods from the vessel stipulated in the contract of affreighment to another vessel before the place of destination has been reached?

    a.       Through cargo

    b.       Transshipment

    c.       Lightering

    d.       Barging

    e.        I don't know



    21.   a measure of the time that the radar indicator (PPI scope) retains images of echoes is called:

    a.       resolution

    b.       persistence

    c.       recurrence rate

    d.       pulse repetition

    e.       I don't know.

    22.   What is the purpose of the "off track" limit?

    a.       Display warning limits on ECDIS

    b.       Give warning about possible grounding

    c.       Give warning about possible danger

    d.       Assist in controlling the ship track from planned track

    e.       I Don't Know.

    23.   What lighting is shown by sailing vessel underway at night?

    a.       At night shows 1 must light

    b.       At night shows 2 mast light and the day does not show the figure of the object

    c.       At night does not show the light

    d.       At night shows 3 mast lights in a straight line and side lights and stern lights

    e.       Oh I Don't Know.

    24.   a vessel underway in fog and hear a fog signal consisting of one prolonged and two short blasts it could be any of the following except a vessel

    a.       being towed

    b.       engaged in mineclearance

    c.       constrained by her draft

    d.       engaged in fishing

    e.       Oh I don't know

    25.   When the master used a part of his cargo of fuel oil in order to reach his destination, it forms a part of

    a.       none of these

    b.       respondentia

    c.        general average

    d.       particular average

    e.       I do not know

    26.   Expenses incurred by the insured for the common safety or preservation of the subject matter insured is:

    a.       general average contribution

    b.       particular average loss

    c.       salvage

    d.       general average loss

    e.       Oh I don't know

    27.   Any willful act of violence to the ship or her cargo done by the master or any of the crew without the consent of the

           shipowner is

    a.       Bottomry

    b.       breach of contact

    c.       desertion

    d.       barratry

    e.       I do not know


    28.   Under the standard bareboat or demise charter party :

    a.       both a and b

    b.       the charter has total control of the vessel

    c.       neither a nor b

    d.       the shipowner pays and employs the crew

    e.       I do not know

    29.   Suppose a vessel finds another ship 1 000 miles at sea and tows her within a mile from shore and then, by reason of an accident, losses her,she is

    a.       Partly entitled to salvage

    b.       Not entitled to salvage

    c.       Liable of the losses

    d.       Entitled to salvage

    e.       Oh I don't know

    30.   Recommendation for ship 500 GRT and above to carry radar:

    a.       IBC code

    b.       IMO Resolution A-614

    c.       ILO Convention 147

    d.       RCH code

    e.       I do not know

    31.   There are many kinds of losses which fall under extraneous "risks" due to damage caused by the ff. hook holes,oil taint,sweat,mud,stains,acids and non-delivery of goods this falls ordinarly under

    a.       particular loss

    b.       general average

    c.       total loss

    d.       not covered by marine insurance policy

    e.       I do not know

    32.   What are the signs of a monsoons coming?

    a.       strong, cyclonic winds that change direction to conform to the passage of an extreme low pressure system

    b.       light, variable winds with little or no humidity

    c.       steady winds that reverse direction semiannually

    d.       strong gusty winds that blow from the same general direction all year

    e.       I do not know

    33.   A qualified individual possesing local knowledge of shoals rocks, currents ets, who is taken on board at a particular place to conduct a ship through the rivers roads,or channels or from or into the port

    a.       Harbor pilot

    b.       I Don't Know.

    c.       Marine superintendent

    d.       Harbor master

    e.       Super cargo

    34.   What is a 'Rescue Unit" (RU)?

    a.       A unit composed of trained personnel suitably equipped expeditious search and rescue

    b.       A unit specializing in search and rescue operations at sea

    c.       Permanently manned rescue vessel

    d.       A unit ready for search and rescue operations at sea at anytime of the day

    e.       I do not know.



    35.   International Convention that gave immunity to hospital ships in time of war and formulates rules for the settement of International disputes

    a.       SOLAS Convention

    b.       Marpol Convention

    c.       Mariners Convention

    d.       Hague Convention

    e.       I do not know

    36.   A toll levied on a ship usually by scale according to fonnage, toward the maintenance of lights, beacons, b

    a.       Light boat

    b.       Light boom

    c.       Light board

    d.       Light dues

    e.       I do not know

    37.   Subordinates do their best

    a.       fire those who exchange news through the grapevine

    b.       acknowledge the presence of the grapevine

    c.       acknowledge the presence of the grapevine

    d.       be persistent in eliminating the grapevine

    e.       I do not know

    38.   the marked position on the navigation chart should be removed when?

    a.       Once the vessel is on the next course

    b.       Once the vessel is on the next chart

    c.       After the day has elapsed

    d.       End of the voyage

    e.       Oh I don't know.

    39.   The owner of the vessel must keep the ship in a seaworthy condition, and hire may cease when the vessel becomes unfit to perform her voyage this is true with

    a.       Time charter

    b.       Demise charter

    c.       Bareboat charter

    d.       Voyage charters

    e.       I do not know

    40.   which of the ff is/are correct regarding the inherent duties of a Second Mate ?

    a.       He is to carry out all lawfull orders of the Master

    b.       In-charges of inventory and control

    c.       Attending to sick crew member and preparing illness report

    d.       I do not know



    41.   The rescue aids shall be placed on ship

    a.       on one deck

    b.       vertically one above the other.

    c.       so as not to interfere with each other

    d.       can be served simultaneously with neighboring.

    e.       I do not know

    42.   International Convention defining the minimum standards for merchant ships.

    a.       IMO Resolution A-614

    b.       ILO Convention 141

    c.       IBC Code

    d.       RCH Code

    e.       I do not know

    43.   Safety Construction Certificates Safety Equipment Certificates Safety Radio Telegraphy Certificates, International Loadline Certificates are statutory certificates issued to vessel under :

    a.       1966 LOADLINE Convention

    b.       1978 MARPOL Convention

    c.       1974 SOLAS Convention

    d.       1972 COLREGS Convention

    e.       I don't know

    44.   The depth of a vessel below the waterline measured vertically to the lowest part of the hull or other reference point

    a.       Soundings

    b.       Freeboard

    c.       Draft

    d.       Loadine marks

    e.       I don't know

    45.   The price paid to a shipowner for the transportation of goods or merchandise by sea from one specific port to another

    a.       Freight

    b.       Commercial fare

    c.       Commission

    d.       Charter hire

    e.       I do not know


    46.   The rescuer can best provide an airtight seal during mouth-to-mouth resuscitation by pinching the victim's nostrils and ?

    a.       applying his mouth tightly over the victim's mouth

    b.       holding the jaw down firmly

    c.       cupping a hand around the patient's mouth

    d.       keeping the head elevated

    e.       Oh I don't know

    47.   stopping blowing when the victim coughs

    a.       prevent transmission of infections

    b.       prevent blowing too much air into the victim

    c.       prevent air from leaving victim's lungs too soon

    d.       prevent victim from vomiting.

    e.       I do not know.


    48.   The horizontal line which represents the center of the disc or the summer loadline should be 18 inches or

    a.       457,2 mm

    b.        540,0 mm

    c.       480,0 mm

    d.       490.0 mm

    e.       Oh I don't know

    49.   A link between the shipboard training officer and the company training officer ashore

    a.       A situation where safety awareness or safety equipment is lacking

    b.       A situation which indicates the non-fulfillment of a specific requirement

    c.       Not conforming with safe working practices which may ead to accidents

    d.       Lack of comfort leading to health risks

    e.       Oh I don't know

    50.   You approach the shore with a lifeboat, when you see a guy waving horizontally a white flag. What does this mean?

    a.       Going ashore here is very dangerous

    b.        Stand by to take the rope from line-throwing apparatus:

    c.       Do not approach the coast, rescue boat will come to you.

    d.       Going ashore here is very dangerous

    e.       I do not know

    51.   The Disadvantage of Teamwork is ?

    a.       More resources are available

    b.       More ideas may be generated

    c.       More time is taken to perform the tasks

    d.       More networking opportunities

    e.       I do not know

    52.   What is the best describes for negligence"?

    a.       the commission of an act

    b.       not doing what a reasonable person would have done

    c.       doing what a reasonable person would not do, and not doing what you should do

    d.       doing what a reasonable person would not do

    e.       I do not know

    53.   Subordinates do their best

    a.       acknowledge the presence of the grapevine

    b.       fire those who exchange news through the grapevine

    c.       be persistent in eliminating the grapevine

    d.       acknowledge the presence of the grapevine

    e.        I Don't Know




    54.   What is ABC mean in first aid?

    a.       Air, Burning, Critic.

    b.       Air, Breath, Concentration.

    c.       Abandon, Balance, Circulation.

    d.       Air, Breathing. Circulation.

    e.       I do not know.

    55.   The deformation of the ship's hull called Sagging under Draught Survey means

    a.       greater draught on the starboards side compared to the port side

    b.       torsion-difference in the draught between the port and starboards without hil

    c.       I Don't Know

    d.       reduced draught in the middle compared to the ends

    e.       increased draught in the middle compared to the ends

    56.   A qualified individual possesing local knowledge of shoals rocks, currents ets, who is taken on board at particular place to conduct a ship through the rivers roads or channels or from or into the port

    a.       Supercargo

    b.       Harbor pilot

    c.       Marine superintendent

    d.       Harbor master

    e.       I do not know

    57.   What are the safe actions when handling drugs?

    a.       Wear skin protection and a facemask

    b.       Test out the potency of the drug

    c.       Shut off the veritilation in the room where the drugs are being stored to ensure any vapours or fumes do not spread to other parts of the ship

    d.       Briefly inhale powders, fumes or vapours to verify the substance is a drug

    e.       I do not know

    58.   You approach the shore with a lifeboat when you see a guy waving horizontally a white flag What does this mean?

    A.      Going ashore here is very dangerous

    B.      Do not approach the coast rescue boat will come to you

    C.       Going ashore here is very dangerous

    D.      Stand by to take the rope from line-throwing apparatus

    E.       I do not know

    59.   Permission or license granted by the port medical authorities to a vessel upon arrival from a foreign port.

    a.       Port clearance

    b.       Fumigation clearance

    c.       Berthing permission

    d.       Pratique

    e.       I do not know

    60.   International Convention that gave immunity to hospital ships in time of of International disputes:

    a.       Hague Convention

    b.       SOLAS Convention

    c.       Mariners Convention

    d.       Marpol Convention

    e.       I don't know



    61.   Which of the following options will be reported to the company by emergency telephone?

    a.       All cases concerning cargo shortages

    b.       All accidents where crew are injured or killed

    c.       All near misses

    d.       All arrival and departure time from port

    e.       I dont know


    62.   International Convention defining the minimum standards for merchant ships.:

    a.       IBC Code

    b.       ILO Convention 141

    c.        IMO Resolution A-614

    d.       RCH Code

    e.       I don't know

    63.   a vessel underway in fog and hear a fog signal consisting of one prolonged and two short blasts. It could be any of the following except a vessel

    a.       being towed

    b.       engaged in mineclearance

    c.       constrained by her draft

    d.       engaged in fishing

    e.       I do not know

    64.   Which of the following is important in trouble shooting faulty radar?

    a.       turn down all the manual controls

    b.       call the radio operator

    c.       check test meter readings

    d.       check scanner rotation

    e.       I do not know

    65.   For giving CPR, an adult is defined as someone over the age of

    a.       6 years

    b.       8 years

    c.       10 years

    d.       12 years

    e.       I do not know


    66.   A link between the shipboard training officer and the company training officer ashore :

    a.       Lack of comfort leading to health risks

    b.       A situation where safety awareness or safety equipment is lacking

    c.       Not conforming with safe working practices which may ead to accidents

    d.       A situation which indicates the non-fulfillment of a specific requirement

    e.       I don't know

    67.   The owner of the vessel must keep the ship in a seaworthy condition, and hire may cease when the vessel becomes unfit to perform her voyage this is true with

    a.       Time charter

    b.       Demise charter

    c.       Voyage charters

    d.       Bareboat charter

    e.        I don't know

    68.   The first element of a contract the point where negotiation usually begins ?

    a.       A consideration is paid

    b.       There must be an agreement

    c.       An offer is made

    d.       Must be in written form

    e.       I don't know

    69.   What are the safe actions when handling drugs?

    a.       "Briefly inhale powders, fumes or vapours to verify the substance is a drug

    b.       Shut off the ventiLation in the room where the drugs are being stored to ensure any vapours or fumes do not spread to other parts of the ship

    c.       Wear skin protection and a facemask

    d.       Test out the potency of the drug

    e.       I do not know

    70.   A "Standard Format for Search and Rescue Situation Reports" (SITREPS) should be used by vessels in distress The SITREP can be compiled as a short form (urgent essential details). Which of the following information shall be included when using the "short form?

    a.       Weather on-scene

    b.       Oil spill possibility.

    c.       Cargo information

    d.       Position

    e.       I do not know

    71.   which of the following factors is most likely to have an effect on the amount of gain required to obtain a fathometer reading for depth?

    a.       atmospheric pressure

    b.       salinity of water

    c.       type of bottom

    d.       temperature of water

    e.       I Don't Know




    72.   International Convention that gave immunity to hospital ships in time of war, and formulates rules for the settlement of International disputes

    a.       Hague Convention

    b.       Marpol Convention

    c.       SOLAS Convention

    d.       Mariners  Convention

    e.       I do not know

    73.   A master would be well advised to file a note of protest if:

    a.       portions of his vessels cargo were illegally impounded

    b.       cargo received at ship side was damaged in land transit

    c.       the vessel encountered heavy weather which might have caused bottom damage

    d.       vessel is delayed due to strike

    e.       I don't know

    74.   The purpose of a Medico Message is?

    a.       Call an hospital for professional medical assistance by radio when needed.

    b.       Giving a regular statement of the health of the vessel's crew.

    c.       Calling the health department in the next port of call and ask for free radio practice

    d.       Medico is the certificate which permit the Master to be doctor onboard

    e.       I do not know

    75.   increased draught in the middle compared to the ends.

    a.       On official watchkeeping

    b.       Operator of the watch

    c.       On official watch

    d.       Officer of the Watch

    e.        I Don't Know.

    76.   What is a 'Rescue Unit" (RU)?

    A.      A unit composed of trained personnel suitably equipped expeditious search and rescue

    B.      Permanently manned rescue vessel

    C.       A unit ready for search and rescue operations at sea at anytime of the day

    D.      A unit specializing in search and rescue operations at sea

    E.       I don't know

    77.   International Convention that gave immunity to hospital ships in time of war, and formulates rules for the settlement of International disputes

    A.      Marpol Convention

    B.      Hague Convention

    C.       Mariners Convention

    D.      SOLAS Convention

    E.       I do not know

    78.   The term for the loss settlend by underwriters when good which have been damaged by a peril insured againt are sold at a port of refuge because carrying them on further would result in them losing still more of their value:

    A.      General average loss

    B.      Salvage loss

    C.       Both b and c

    D.      Particular average loss

    E.        I don't know

    79.    your radar indicates a target however, there is no visible object at the point indicated, a large     mountain approx 50 miles away on the same bearing as the target is breaking the horizon you should   suspect the target is caused by

    A.      sub-refraction

    B.      ducting

    C.       a submerged submarine

    D.      ionosphere skip waves

    E.       I don't know

    80.   The rescue aids shall be placed on ship ?

    A.      so as not to interfere with each other

    B.      vertically one above the other.

    C.       on one-deck

    D.      can be served simultaneously with neighboring.

    E.       I do not know

    81.   Fix at is pelorus used for?

    A.      For identifying stars

    B.      For assessing visibility

    C.       For ascertaining the signal strength of radio waves

    D.      Taking bearings

    E.       I do not know.

    82.   A link between the shipboard training officer and the company training officer ashore

    A.      Not conforming with safe working practices which may ead to accidents

    B.      Lack of comfort leading to health risks

    C.       A situation which indicates the non-fulfillment of a specific requirement

    D.      A situation where safety awareness or safety equipment is lacking.

    E.       I do not know.

    83.   the inclination between the orbit of the moon and the ecliptic is?

    A.      1 5/4 deg

    B.      1 4/5 deg

    C.       4 1/5 deg

    D.      5 1/4 deg

    E.       I do not know

    84.   most modern Loran-C receivers automatically detect station blink which is enough to:

    A.      enable the receiver to shift automatically to an alternate station

    B.      automatically shut down the receiver

    C.       trigger alarm indicators to warn operator of a malfunction

    D.      trigger alarm indicators to warn operator of a function

    E.       I don't know

    85.   the number of pulses ransmitted per second by a radar transmitter is known  as

    A.      frequency of transmission

    B.      pulse repetition rate

    C.       pulse characteristics

    D.      pulse transmission

    E.       I don't know


    86.   who is lable for a loss resulting from the amproper packing or preparation or loading of the goods by the shipper or from his neglect to sufficiently identify the goods by property marking them or his failure to wain of some conditions which requires special care in handing?

    A.      Public enemy

    B.      Shippers

    C.       Stevedores

    D.      Carrier

    E.       I don't know

    87.   stopping blowing when the victim coughs

    A.       prevent transmission of infections

    B.       prevent blowing too much air into the victim

    C.        prevent air from leaving victim's lungs too soon

    D.      prevent victim from vomiting

    E.       Saya Tidak Tahu.

    88.   What do you call to ship's cargoes or any part there of which have been washed ashore ?

    A.       wrock

    B.      ligan

    C.       jetsam

    D.      flotsam

    E.        I don't know

    89.   which of the following statements concerning radar is not true?

    A.       radar should be checked regularly in clear weather to ensure that it is operating properly

    B.      raising the antenna height increases radar range

    C.        radar bearings are less accurate than radar ranges

    D.      the ability of radar to detect objects is unamected by weather conditions

    E.       saya tidak tahu

    90.   the line roughly following the 180th meridian is?

    A.      Rhumb line

    B.      Equator

    C.        The date line

    D.      Greenwich meridian

    E.       saya tidak tahu

    91.   Which of the ft. marine insurance policies is not normally purchased by the shipowner?

    A.      hull

    B.       cargo

    C.       protection and indominity

    D.      pollution

    E.       I don't know

    92.   These expressions means consecutive calendar days counting from midnight to midnight and unless contract or custom dictate otherwise includes sundays and holidays whether work is actually done at the part or not :

    A.      Sundays and holidays excepted

    B.      days and running days

    C.       weather working days

    D.      Lay days

    E.       I don't know

    93.   a fathometer will:

    I. read actual depth of water

    II. adjust automatically for temperature changes

    A.      II only

    B.      Both I and II

    C.       I only

    D.      Neither I nor II

    E.       I do not know

    94.   where a vessel is chartered to its full and complete capacity in a contract of affreightment with the carrier

    undertaking to carry special person only the type of carrier is ;

    A.      Private carrier

    B.      Common carrier

    C.        Passenger carrier

    D.      Sailing carrier

    E.       I do not know

    95.   A partial loss of the subject matter insured caused by a peril insured againt which is not a general average loss is

    a.       partial charges

    b.       general average

    c.       particular average:

    d.       particular charges

    e.       I am not know

    96.   The transter of goods from the vessel stipulated in the contract of affreighment to another vessel before the place of destination has been reached :

    a.       Through cargo

    b.       Transshipment

    c.        Lightering

    d.       Barging

    e.       I don't know

    97.   What is a negotiable document, a prima facie evidence of shipment of goods on boards a particular vessel and its legal importance consists in the fact that it is a receipt for goods, a contract of carriage, and a title to property

    a.       Invoice

    b.       Delivery Receipt

    c.       Mate's Receipt

    d.       Bill of Iading

    e.       I don't know

    98.   The relationship between the ship's deadweight cargo carrying capacity and her cubic capacity for cargo is called :

    a.       Both b and c

    b.       Coefficient of Measurement

    c.       Coefficient of loading

    d.       Coefficient of Fineness

    e.       I don't know

    103. Loss due to an act of god is considered:

    A.genaral average

    B. general claim

    C. particular average

    D. general salvage

    E. I don't know





    104. Loran-C stations transmit groups of pulses at specific times the time interval between transmissions from the

            master station is the :

    A. phase code

    B. pulse interval

    C. group repetition interval

    D. coding delay

    E. I do not know

    105. Where to find Current velocity in major coastal ports?

    A. predicted in Tidal Current Tables

    B. generally too weak to be of concern

    C. generally constant

    D. unpredictable

    E.  I don't know

    106. Information broadcast by AIS every 1 to 10 seconds except?

    A. speed over ground

    B. course over ground

    C. ship's scantlings

    D. latitude and longitude

    E.  I don't know

    107. reports of environmental and protection work should be sent to shore-based management within a timeframe of?

    A. Biannually

    B. Every three years

    C. Annually

    D. Not mandatory to send reports

    E. I do not know

    108. The rescue aids shall be placed on ship?

    A. can be served simultaneously with neighboring

    B. on one deck.

    C. so as not to interfere with each other.

    D. vertically one above the other

    E. I do not know

    109. The relationship between the ship's deadweight cargo carrying capacity and her cubic capacity for cargo is called:

    A. Coefficient of loading

    B. Coefficient of Measurement

    C. Coefficient of Fineness

    D. Both b and c

    E. I don't know.

    110. who is liable for a loss resulting from the improper packing or preparation or loading of the goods by the shipper or   

            from his rieglect to sufficiently identity the goods by properly marking them or his failure to wam of some  

            conditions,which requires special care in handling?


    A. Stevedores

    B. Carriers

    C. Shippers

    D. Public anemy

    E. I do not know

    111. What is a 'Rescue Unit" (RU)?

    A. A unit composed of trained personnel suitably equipped expeditious search and rescue.

    B. Permanently manned rescue vessel

    C .A unit specializing in search and rescue operations at sea.

    D. A unit ready for search and rescue operations at sea at anytime of the day.

    E. I don't know.

    112. the marked position on the navigation chart should be removed when?

    A. Once the vessel is on the next chart

    B. Once the vessel is on the next course

    C .End of the voyage

    D. After the day has elapsed

    E. I do not know






    113. When the consignee fails to accept the goods at the port of discharge and there is no fault or omission on the part

            of the shipowner the expense of carrying the goods back to the shipper is know as :

    A. dead freight

    B. advance freight

    C. lumpsum height

    D. back freight

    E. I don't know.

    114. what condition indicates that your radar needs maintenance?

    A. serrated range rings

    B. blind sector

    C. multiple echoes

    D. indirect echoes

    E. I don't know

    115. The intensity of refraction on the horizon is maximum

    116. What you can correct when variation is a compass error?... cannot correct

    117. you are underway at 5 kts and see on your radar a contact 10miles directly astern of you, twelve minutes later, the contact is 8 miles directly astern of you what is the estimated speed of the contact?.... 15 knots

    118. A stiff vessel will have a GM which is:…. Large

    119. What the meaning of Reserve Buoyancy?...The buoyancy provided by all enclosed spaces above the waterline

    120. Things to consider in the Shipboard Contingency Plan are:….Implement the provisions in the SOLAS

    121. When crew are working in confined spaces that have been cleared of hazardous materials, ventilation should be provided….continuously

    122. The breaking strength of the painter in a liferaft permitted to accommodate 15 persons is at least:….7.5 kN

    123. The Hydrostatic Release Unit (HRU) must release the Liferaft:…..From 1.5 to 3.5 meters. under the water level

    124. Embarkation steps used must be spaced with a distance of: … Equally spaced and not less than 300 mm or more than 380 mm

    125. (bpk) Entirely to vacate a ship and to relinquish or to repudiate all duties to wards preservation is:…abandonship

    126. (bpk) The transfer by the insured of his interest to the property insured to the insurer with all the chance off recovery and indemnity is….warranty

    127. bpk) Your vessel is aground due to an error in navigation Damage to the hull causes water to enter to cargo hold #3,Deck cargo is thrown overboard to help refloat the vessel. The vessel successfully return to port in this condition which of the ff is considered as general average?....Damage to the hull

    128. bpk) Your vessel is aground due to an error in navigation Damage to the hull causes water to enter to cargo hold #3,Deck cargo is thrown overboard to help refloat the vessel. The vessel successfully return to port in this condition 129.which of the ff is considered as general average?...Damage to the hull

    130. Another element of a salvage claim is :…None of these

    131. An association of ship owners that mutually contribute to a found to cover members losses not normally covered by reguler hull insurance.?...P&I insurance

    132. A person who officially calculates the contribution due from each beneficiary as consequence of a gener Act. ?

    ... Salvor

    133. bpk) The act of holding a property or cargo from release unless payment has been received or collected is..maritime lien

    144. Which is/are considered correct with regards to grounds of arrival under distress?... a and b only

    145. Where is the normal position of the "Pivot Point" of the vessel when going ahead?... 1/3 of the vessel's length from the bow

    146. Call what information should be required for the next port:…Procured before departure from a port

    147. Which of the following statements concerning the reflection component of the AOR model is false?...Leaders are always aware of the value of reflection in leadership development

    148. According to a recent study, one of the general factors that explains the shift toward more women leaders is that women themselves have change It is evident in all except… A trend toward less stereotypically masculine characterizations of leadership

    149. Level of leadership/management is categorized as follows, except…Basic management

    150. Which of the following statements concerning the reflection component of the AOR model is false?...Leaders are always aware of the value of reflection in leadership development

    151. The decision making is always encountered with the probability situate linkages, it is needed to use the following methods as follows, except…To utilize the leader's instinct

    152. Call what information should be required for the next port: …. Procured before departure from a port

    153. Bums can occur when high-voltage electricity passes through the body and can cause burns. How is the…. Place sterile dressing over the burn and secure with a bandage.

    154. Why is it important to make weekly/routine rounds in the accomodation areas?..To ensure that cabins and common spaces are maintained in a clean, safe and hygienic condition

    155. All necessary information for the next port of call should be:…Procured before departure from a port

    156. A unconscious person should not be…Given something to drink

    157. The responsibility for the ship being safely manned is for?... The master and the shipowner are responsible for the adequate manning of the ship.

    158. At the first point of Aries and first point of Libra the sun's declination is… 23,5 degree

    159. A burn may occur when electricity of high current and voltage passes through the body Most damage occurs at the points of entry and exit of electricity. What is the treatment electrical burns…Place sterile dressing over the burn and secure with a bandage


    160. The horizontal plan to which height, depths or levels are referred is called… Datum

    161. a ship's position determined by the course a distance traveled, including known sets and currents, regardless of celestial observations or terrestrial bearings, its called….Fix

    162. The gyro compass can suffer from a compass error and may need to be allowed for, when steering a course in a dangerous navigational area. What is the probable cause of the error?...An uncorrected course and speed error

    163. How often are cumulative lists published?...Twice a year

    164. The factor to consider when planning are track are… All of the above

    165. You would find the variation on a polyconic projection chart..On the compass rose

    166. Civil twilight begins at 1910 zone time on 20 July 1981. Your DR position at that time is LAT 22°16'N, LONG 150°06'W. Which statement concerning the planets available for evening sights is TRUE? .. Venus will have a westerly meridian angle.

    167. What are the same thing if the compass heading and the magnetic heading?...there is no deviation on that heading

    168. The zone time of LAN is 1152. Your longitude is 73°15'E. What time would you use to enter the Nautical Almanac to determine the declination of the Sun at LAN?....- 0659

    169. If you use the chart in 1991 how much variation should you apply when the chart indicates the vanation W in 1988, and the annual change is decreasing 6'?...3° 27'W

    170. Azimuth is?....The angle between the meridian and the vertical circle passing though a celestial body

    171. Action to avoid collision…..Any action to avoid collision shall be taken in accordance with the Rules of this Part and shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, be positive, made in ample time and with due regard to the observance of good seamanship.

    172. The gyro compass can suffer from a compass error and may need to be allowed for, when steering a course in a dangerous navigational area What is the probable cause of the error?....An uncorrected course and speed error

    173. At the first point of Aries and first point of Libra the sun's declination is..23,5 degree

    174. Which of the following equipment using permanent air or steam pressure should be used and available at all times in restricted visibility…Fog signal

    175. which statement is TRUE If a magnetic compass is not affected by any magnetic field other than the Earth's?....Compass error and variation are equal

    176. What action do you give to another ship when it is overtaking a powered ship in a narrow channel on its starboard side?....attempt to contact her on the radiotelephone to arrange for the passage

    177. What will happen the southeast trade winds, during the winter months?...stronger than during the summer months

    178. What is important to check when transferring a position from GPS to a chart?....Ensure that the chart and the GPS use same datum

    179. Which of the following functions is done by a cam operating an exhaust valve?...It governs the timing of opening and closing of the valve

    180. Types of corrosion in fresh water of Diesel Engines….Selective phase corrosion

    181. Which of the following will be you possible answer if you asked why you are taking compass bearing of an approaching vessel frequently?.....As early detection of risk of collision

    182. Modern marine turbochargers use a.....type of compressor…..Radial flow

    183. Which of the following specifications/qualities of cylinder oils counter corrosive wear?....TBN

    184. In comparison to exhaust valves, intake valves of diesel engines may be fabricated from low-alloy steels because…intake valves are less affected to the corrosive action of exhaust gase

    185. Crank web deflection readings will give a positive indication of…Worn main bearing journals

    186. Some 4-stroke engines are fitted with a rotorcap on the cylinder head valves. For what reason?...Rotate the inlet valve during operation

    187. The coating which is provided on the valve stem of exhaust valves of modern marine diesel engines is of…..stellite

    188. The lube oil pump used in a diesel engine is a….Gear pump


    189. A large, low-speed, main propulsion diesel engine uses sea water to directly cool the…. Scavenging air

    190. For a two stroke engine two o-rings are provided on the liner. The function of the top o-ring is to .....,..function of the lower o-ring is to.....Seal jacket cooling water. Seal scavenge air

    191. Some 4-stroke engines are fitted with a rotorcap on the cylinder head valves. For what reason?....Rotate the inlet valve during operation

    192. What is not included in the contents of the IMDG-Code Supplement book?.....AIS

    193. How is an enclosed space tested to check it is safe to enter?....By using an oxygen analyzer and an explosimeter.

    194. Ship's generators must be synchronised before they can be connected to the same supply network. Prior to synchronising, the generator voltage and frequency are respectively adjusted by….AVR and speed governor

    195. What is meant group B cargo Bulk according to IMBC code….Consists of cargoes which possess a chemical hazard which could give rise to a dangerous situation on a ship

    196. You are on a vessel designed to carry compressed gasses in bulk with a cargo of butadiene Which statement isTRUE? …..Silver and copper are prohibited in the parts of valves and fittings in contact with the cargo

    197. According to the burner unit of oil or gas fired steam boilers. What is the purpose of the 'ma c'eye' ?.....To check that the flame is present during start up or normal operation of the burner, if not then fuel shut offautomatically

    198. What is meant group C cargo Bulk according to IMBC code…. Consists of cargoes which are not liable to liquely arid do not possess chemical hazards

    199. The agreement that regulates the transportation of bulk grain cargo is ?....the SOLAS (IMO) Grain Rules

    200. What is meant group A cargo Bulk according to IMBC code…Consists of the cargoes which may liquefy if shipped with moisture content in excess of their transportable moisture limit

    201. General principles of dangerous goods segregation, except….Strong acids are usually deemed as compatible with strong alkali

    202. United Nations dangerous goods packing group based on the level of danger does not apply, except….class1

    203. the flash point for flammable liquid piperylene grade B is….-20°F

    204. he criteria for dangerous goods stowage near accommodation, machine rooms and work areas must not be…answers are correct

    205. General principles of dangerous goods segregation, except…Strong acids are usually deemed as compatible with strong aithali

    206. If a vessel has a displacement of 15.000 tons and a righting arm of 2 meter, what is the vessels nighting moment if the ship has a GM of 1,5 meter ? …30.000 ton-meter

    207. Which are the main hazards associated with the transportation of bulk salt cargo on the Bulk Carr….The only possible hazard is associated with ingress of water into the hold and a loss of stability

    208. Which of the following actions should be considered as efficient actions with due regard to human factions?....To establish inner rules to perform work of a special risk

    209. The main causes of fatigue damage in gastric girders are?..The number of repeated stress cycles

    210. Anticyclones are usually characterized by …Subsidence and fair weather

    211. What is the Maximum Securing Load in a RoRo vessel?....the load capacity of a device used to secure cargo on board

    212. In the Route Planning Mode, what are the four primary ways to adjust a planned route?....Adding waypoints, Deleting waypoints, Changing the position of waypoints. Alphanumerically & graphically

    213. Which of the following reflects the statement that ECDIS only supports the mariner in performing navigational tasks?....All answers are correct

    214. VLCC/ULCC vessels bridge on the after part of the vessel, therefore a few meters / cables in front of the ship are sectors not visible by eyes or radar, called invisible distance abbreviated I, if F = vessel free board, L = distance of the bridge to the bow of the ship, B = height of the bridge from the keel, while D is the depth of the vessel tank, then the Invisible distance (1) formula is…..I=F: (B-D) x L




    215. Which ship lines have smallest tension, ship A, B, C or D?.....ship A


    216. VTS function is?.... Increase the safety of all ships and the protection of the environment in the vicinity

    217. An overtaking ship sounds two long blasts followed by one short blast. It is a signal for ?... When overtaking in a narrow channel

    218. Under Keel Clearance (UKC) a vessel will determine the load to be retained by the ropes of a VLCC / ULCC, whichever is the heaviest load retained on VLCC/ULCC with UKC below; …. UKC = 0.2 x draft ship

    219. The threat of fines to the skipper who makes or allows a false entry to be made in the notebook is regulated in?....The Ship Safety and Security Act, Section 65..




