WMS Panel Assessment Main Questions

    Minggu, 23 Juni 2024

    1. Introduce yourself briefly and what is the main role/Responsibility as PA/JP
      • PA: Performing Authority needs to provide a clear and adequate description of the work to be carried out with sufficient detail, and ensure that Permit Request is complete with up-to-date. JSA covering full work scope ALARP attached to the Permit.
      • JP: Job Performer needs to commence the work in a safe condition related to the worksite with Tools and Equipment, Conduct Tool Box Talk with work Groups and keep on monitoring the site activity
      • JP: Accepts the Permit from PI after checks the worksite is clear and maintained in safe condition with PI
      • When the Permit needs to be revalidated (Next Shift) JP needs to inform PI and AA to get the Permit Revalidated for 12 hrs
      • When the Permit needs to Closed ( Permit is expired after 7 calender day) JP needs to suspend the work and inform to PA that the work is done and the worksite is clear and maintanined in safe condition. then PA request for the closure of the Permit to PI and AA
        • PA: Performing Authority
        • JP: Job Performer
        • JSA: Job Safety Analise
        • ALARP: As Low As Reasonable and Practicable
        • TBT: Tool Box Talk
        • PI: Permit Issuer
        • AA: Area Authority
    2. As a JP before commencing the Job
    • I will visit the worksite with PI to Check
      • Site situation hazards
      • Work Party
      • Equipment
      • Material and 
      • Documents
    3. PI will demonstrate "Zero Energy Isolation" I will be withness of  Zero Energy Isolation demonstration
    • I will abide by the direction of the PI regarding clearance to commence work or instruction to suspend or stop the work
    4. I will conduct TBT with my work Party and discuss the Job specific hazards and control measures
    • Emergency response Procedure
    • Roles and Responsibilities
    • ADNOC Life Saving Rules
    • I will Supervise and Monitor the site throughout the activities
    • I will conduct Dynamic Risk Assessment during the Job
    5. After Completing of or end of the Shift
    • I will ensure work Party members clear from the site
    • Personal Lock Removed
    • Work Status
    • Housekeeping Done
    • Equipment left in safe condition, then
    • I inform to PA

